Now usually I’m not a huge fan of change..even though I’ve experienced a fair number of transitions in my life thus far. When I was in 7th grade I moved to the suburbs of Philadelphia from Austin, Texas ( a huge culture shock from living in the south to being in north), and from a small private school to a large public school. I then switched high schools my sophomore year back to a small private school. Finally, I also transferred colleges after my freshman year!
But this time I was READY. First semester of my senior year was the toughest yet. I was overwhelmed by academics, as well as by being on the Executive Board as Publicist for my A Cappella group. All I did it felt like was study, go to rehearsals, and perform by Publicist duties. I made it through (with all-A’s, a feat I’m very proud of) but I was tired exhausted. Mentally and physically. Luckily this past semester, my last, was significantly easier. However, I found myself losing motivation and interest. I was burnt out, counting down the days until my Graduation.
Almost all the people in my life closest to me were going: my parents, my 89 year old grandmother, my two aunts on my mom’s side, my two uncles and aunt on my dad’s side, and two cousins. I also got the news that my best friend of 14 years was flying up from Austin to DC (where I went to school) to be there by my side! My Sorority Little (more like my actual little sister) was also going to fly all the way from Florida (despite it being her own brother’s graduation the next day) to be there too! And Of course Mike would be there with all his family!
I have never felt so much love and support!
my INCREDIBLE parents
my fabulous Grandma (Nana Mae)
my best friend Karen
Me and Little at our sorority house!
My lovely Aunts
Mike <3
I decide to plan a big party/dinner the night after my Graduation to celebrate. I haven’t thrown a legitimate party for anything since I was 13, so I was definitely super excited!
It all started with the dress…
I went to the never fallible, Lilly Pulitzer, one weekend when I was home and found this beauty. The Lloyd Dress in Multi Feelin’ Groovy.
It was gorgeous. One thing you must know about me is that I LOVE bright colors and I LOVE patterns so of course I was immediately drawn to this. They had ONLY 1 left in the store and it just happened to be my size! Did I also mention it was on SALE? (Miracles happen people!!!!!)
I also picked up the Briella Fit and Flare Pool in Blue Southern Charm Dress.
My school had individual Graduations based on your major and also a whole University Commencement which was on The National Mall. I decided the Lloyd dress was perfect for my individual graduation/party and the Briella was perfect for the Commencement on the National Mall.
Party Planning: (Thank you Pinterest!!)
So after we found the restaurant and rented out the room, I went to work on decoration ideas! At first I considered planning the color scheme around my school colors, buff (a really light yellow) and blue. But after thinking about it over, it just wasn’t me!
I decided to color coordinate the colors with my Lloyd Feelin’ Groovy Dress. Who say’s you can’t have like 5 favorite colors and use them ALL?!
I began looking up ideas on Pinterest. I knew I wanted to decorate a table for my guests to possibly put gifts on. I also knew I also needed decorations for the bar counter and centerpieces for the dinner table. The room was kind of dark, so I wanted to brighten it up everywhere!
Here’s the my favorite inspiration for ideas that I found on Pinterest!
Gift Table Before:
Gift Table
Complements my dress nicely, right?!
To achieve the pastel colors I wanted, they actually mixed different shades of balloon colors together by inserting them inside one another! We were also able to get some of the balloons to be a cool paisley texture by inserting a clear paisley balloon inside a colored one!
GW Balloons: The University Bookstore!
I’ve always loved the look of hanging puffs! The idea was to hang a whole bunch of colorful ones all over the room. Unfortunately, there was nothing to hang them from. I just tapped two to the table instead. So…I have an extra 10 puffs here at home. Lolz. Let me know if you guys have any ideas with what I should do with them! Maybe hang some in my room??
Hanging Fans:
Party City
I also got some little yellow hanging fans. Since I couldn’t hang those up either I just tapped them around the table to give a pop of color.
Garland: I made it!
Thanks Pinterest! It just took some tissue paper, glue, a glitter string, and patience.
Here’s the tutorial I found!
Sign-able Picture Frame:
Party City
This turned out really cute! I brought a bunch of colored sharpies and put them on the table. All my family and friends signed it with well wishes and congratulations!
I then placed my ADPi and my National Society of Collegiate Scholars stole on the garland!
Bar Area and Table Before:
(this is from a different day when we went to visit. They were setting up for party later that night)
Bar Area and Table After!
We decided on light blue mason jars with bright pink roses!
Banner: I made it!
I bought a pack of different colored card stock paper and cut them into triangles.
I then stuck large gold adhesive glitter letters on!
I also added some pink puffs and my decorated grad cap!
Also on the table was confetti from
Party City
Here’s some more favorite pics from the party!

Yep my besties planned accordingly to match my Graduation dress!! Too precious!
I didn’t even realize Mike and I matched as well until I uploaded the pictures! Mike had graduated the day before, but my this day was still a special one for him because it was his 22 birthday!
We made sure to get Mike a cake to celebrate his birthday!
Here’s my cake! Love the cute chocolate grad cap!
It was a wonderful party! I was so blessed to have all my loved ones there to celebrate with me.
Honestly, I was initally worried going to Party City for the majority of my decorations. I thought that Party City decorations might look “cheap” or “tacky” *meep sorry!* I was thinking I should have ordered on Etsy or somewhere more trendy instead. BUT I was totally wrong! (Although yes some of the stuff was kind of
tacky lets be honest) it was easy to find some super cute (and
cheap..but not cheap looking) stuff! Also, it was fun to do a DIY banner and garland! I LOVE crafting and was able to tailor them both to my color scheme!
Here’s some more favorites from the weekend!
Mike’s Graduation!
Dress: Banana Republic
Watch: Kate Spade
Earrings: South Moon Under
OH! I can’t forget my cap!
I decorated with cherry blossom paper in honor of the DC cherry blossoms in the Spring. The cherry blossoms around the Tidal Basin make DC the most gorgeous city in my opinion! I printed out my monogram just using Microsoft Word and a monogram curly font that I downloaded for free
here! I also added a big pink cherry blossom, stickers, and I hot glued pearls and gems on the edges. To top it off, I hot glued a big white bow to the back.
Too much? NAH!
Mike and I at High School and then College Graduation!
Thank you all SO much for reading my FIRST BLOG POST!
Be sure to keep following all my post-grad adventures!