So as mentioned before I used to be the Publicist of my college A Cappella group both junior and senior year. I was just organizing all of my old projects and came across one where I had each of the girls in the group fill out survey questions about themselves so our audience could get to know us better! I thought you might enjoy reading mine! (It’s only a little embarrassing…) No judgies!
Year: Senior
Voice Part: Soprano 2
Hometown: Austin, Texas (but now I live outside of Philly.)
Major: Psychology
Other extra curricular activities: GW Alpha Delta Pi and GW Camp Kesem
Hobbies: Napping, arts & crafts, Pinterest, photography, graphic design, shopping, and drinking copious amounts of coca cola.
Group Superlative: Biggest Goofball
Favorite band(s)/artist(s): The Goo Goo Dolls, Dave Mathews Band, Ed Sheeran, Lifehouse, Imagine Dragons, One Republic, The Script, Taylor Swift, Dixie Chicks
What song would be the theme song of your life? Crazy-Gnarls Barkley
What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? Your Love Is A Song- Switchfoot
What would your rapper name be? “Lay-Z”
What’s your most embarrassing moment? The other day in my Human Sexuality class I was unwillingly selected based on my terrified expression to demonstrate the proper way to put on a condom. I was shaking uncontrollably and proceeded to put the condom on inside-out. It then unraveled and shot off the giant pink rubber penis in front of my entire class. Photos were taken. I may have to drop the class and not graduate.
What’s the weirdest thing about you? I’m literally the weirdest person I know so I can’t choose just one. I have a long white nose hair that grows at super human speed. Also, I used to do signature Michael Jackson moves during rehearsals until I began injuring myself in the process.
What would people be surprised to learn about you? I was conceived via in vitro fertilization (aka in a petri dish.)
What’s your favorite thing about being in the group? Everyone’s unique voice.
Voice Part: Soprano 2
Hometown: Austin, Texas (but now I live outside of Philly.)
Major: Psychology
Other extra curricular activities: GW Alpha Delta Pi and GW Camp Kesem
Hobbies: Napping, arts & crafts, Pinterest, photography, graphic design, shopping, and drinking copious amounts of coca cola.
Group Superlative: Biggest Goofball
Favorite band(s)/artist(s): The Goo Goo Dolls, Dave Mathews Band, Ed Sheeran, Lifehouse, Imagine Dragons, One Republic, The Script, Taylor Swift, Dixie Chicks
What song would be the theme song of your life? Crazy-Gnarls Barkley
What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? Your Love Is A Song- Switchfoot
What would your rapper name be? “Lay-Z”
What’s your most embarrassing moment? The other day in my Human Sexuality class I was unwillingly selected based on my terrified expression to demonstrate the proper way to put on a condom. I was shaking uncontrollably and proceeded to put the condom on inside-out. It then unraveled and shot off the giant pink rubber penis in front of my entire class. Photos were taken. I may have to drop the class and not graduate.
What’s the weirdest thing about you? I’m literally the weirdest person I know so I can’t choose just one. I have a long white nose hair that grows at super human speed. Also, I used to do signature Michael Jackson moves during rehearsals until I began injuring myself in the process.
What would people be surprised to learn about you? I was conceived via in vitro fertilization (aka in a petri dish.)
What’s your favorite thing about being in the group? Everyone’s unique voice.